Author, Shirley H. Slaughter

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Author of  “OUR LADY OF VICTORY”  The Saga of an African-American Catholic Community

Remember Our Lady of Victory Cover



5 Star Review by Nonnie Jules



OUR LADY OF VICTORY – The Saga of an African American Catholic Community is a compilation of memories, records, photos and interviews.  The author recalls growing up in the legacy of Mother Anna Bates. 

Follow the tale of the infamous wall…built to separate blacks from white residents and how it almost impeded the development of the area.  It’s the story of a thriving Catholic community in spite of regressive government policies;  on the verge of developing strong Catholic roots but doesn’t quite make it.

This is the Saga of an African-American Catholic Community.  Don’t run from the information housed inside the covers of this book because the mere mention of black and white being divided makes you uncomfortable.  Run towards this historical narrative because, whether black or white, yellow or brown, if we don’t know the history, we are surely destined to repeat it!  I dare you to read this book and walk away unmoved!



36 thoughts on “Author, Shirley H. Slaughter

  1. Your book sounds fascinating, Shirley and I wish you all the best with it. I have added it to my TBR list.


    1. Shirley Harris-Slaughter August 27, 2014 — 1:57 pm

      Carol you will learn something knew if nothing else. I hope you enjoy it and thank you so much for your support. I am so appreciative.


  2. Hi Shirley, realise I’m late with this message – life sometimes stops the fun. I hope your week was as great as it sounds. Glad I could do my bit (and I know it was ‘a bit’) but am now off to buy. Take care Judith x


  3. Shirley Harris-Slaughter August 22, 2014 — 9:07 pm

    Thank you Harmony for all your support. You are what makes these tours so successful. And I’m so glad you enjoyed the book and learned a little bit about me.


  4. Love your blurb and will definitely be heading to Amazon to pick a copy. keep up the productive work!


    1. Shirley Harris-Slaughter August 19, 2014 — 7:12 pm

      Thank you so much Alice for being so supportive. There are no words that can truly express what is in my heart right now. I never had this much attention in my life. This is what happens when we stick together as Indie Authors. Nobody else will look out for us the way we look out for each other. Take care my friend.


  5. Best of luck Shirley. This sounds like an amazing read! I’m really into this aspect of history and I’ll definitely be picking up a copy 😀


    1. Shirley Harris-Slaughter August 19, 2014 — 7:08 pm

      Joe don’t hesitate too long or you will be just like I was during the research phase. I kept putting off doing it because it wasn’t my favorite thing to do. But when I did, boy was I pleasantly surprised at all the good stuff I found. It was an amazing journey. I hope you find it when you read it. Thank you so much for being there for me.


  6. I know I hosted you before, but I haven’t gotten to your book yet. It is going to be my next read, so look out for the review soon. Congratulations on the re-launch of your book and for the tour.


    1. Shirley Harris-Slaughter August 19, 2014 — 7:05 pm

      Well Jinlobify, what are you waiting for? Seriously, thank you so much for being there for me when I needed it. We Indie Authors have to stick together. Look at what happens when we do. Its overwhelming but in a good way.


  7. Congratulations! I wish you much success and many blessings with “Our Lady of Victory”!


    1. Shirley Harris-Slaughter August 19, 2014 — 7:03 pm

      Your blessings are really appreciated Ria. Thank you so much for the awesome support you have shown me.


  8. Shirley, this is so exciting! I’m truly looking forward to reading your book. Congrats, sweetie! xoxo 🙂


    1. Shirley Harris-Slaughter August 19, 2014 — 7:01 pm

      You are going to enjoy learning some things you never knew about. Thank you so much Danica for always being supportive and kind.


  9. congratulations Shirley. Will add this to my list. Best wishes.


    1. Shirley Harris-Slaughter August 19, 2014 — 7:00 pm

      Thanks so much John. I don’t have words to express my gratitude at such awesome support and attention coming my way.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Shirley Harris-Slaughter August 18, 2014 — 3:25 pm

    Thank you Marc. Your support is much appreciated.


  11. Congratulations, Shirley! Looks like a wonderful book. Keep up the good work.


    1. Shirley Harris-Slaughter August 18, 2014 — 3:29 pm

      Thank you so much CJ. I appreciate your support.


  12. It seems crazy to think that segregation existed not so long ago. But in other places, other times, history keeps repeating itself. I admire the author for her strength and courage in exposing such a difficult topic. I can’t wait to read the book!


    1. Shirley Harris-Slaughter August 18, 2014 — 3:28 pm

      Nadege I appreciate that you appreciate what it took for me to write this. It wasn’t easy and I went into kicking and screaming because I didn’t want to take it on. But I was compelled to do it. Thank you so much for seeing that. Don’t forget my blog tour where you will get a link to get an autographed paperback or hardcover copy if you wish.


  13. Well done, Shirley. Sounds an amazing book.


    1. Shirley Harris-Slaughter August 18, 2014 — 3:26 pm

      It is! (smile) Thank you so much cicampbell2013.


  14. I haven’t read the book yet, but it is on my TBR list! Congratulations Shirley on the book, the blog tour and future sales.


    1. Shirley Harris-Slaughter August 18, 2014 — 3:25 pm

      You are so welcome authordwhite!


  15. Congrats, Shirley. It seems particularly timely, especially now.


  16. I too have roots in an African American Catholic community in Louisiana; thus I am adding this book to my near future must-read list.

    Madeleine Farrell


    1. Shirley Harris-Slaughter August 18, 2014 — 3:24 pm

      Madeleine then you and I have something in common so you will probably get more out of it than most. Thank you so much for being here.


  17. I haven’t had the pleasure of reading your book yet on #RAVEREVIEWSBOOKCLUB. I’m slowly making my way through the Books of the Month. I enjoy historical books, so I’ll check it out when I have the opportunity. Best of success!


    1. Shirley Harris-Slaughter August 18, 2014 — 3:23 pm

      Thanks Rebecca. You won’t regret reading it because its interesting history.


  18. Our Lady of Victory expresses warmth, family devotion and childhood innocency, but also reveals the strength and determination of Shirley Slaughter–a person dedicated to uncovering the truth about the unequal treatment of black Catholic churches in comparison to their white counterparts, their demise and the politics of religion.


    1. Shirley L. Slaughter August 9, 2014 — 2:57 am

      momanpoponlinestuff you sum up the situation nicely. Its just the tip of the iceberg and all so sad. My original intent was to honor the folks who founded this church community but stumbled into something I was not suppose to see; and not be afraid to say it. Thank you for your awesome support.


  19. I’ve read and reviewed this amazing book. I highly recommend it to anybody with a love and appreciation for history.


    1. Shirley L. Slaughter July 16, 2014 — 7:02 pm

      Beem you are an amazing supporter. I appreciate you very much. Thank you for the nice plug.


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