Welcome to the “WHILE THE BOMBS FELL” Blog Tour! @bakeandwrite #RRBC



While The Bombs Fell by Robbie Cheadle


What was it like for children growing up in rural Suffolk during World War 2?
Elsie and her family live in a small double-storey cottage in Bungay, Suffolk. Every night she lies awake listening anxiously for the sound of the German bomber planes. Often they come and the air raid siren sounds signalling that the family must leave their beds and venture out to the air raid shelter in the garden.
Despite the war raging across the English channel, daily life continues with its highlights, such as Christmas and the traditional Boxing Day fox hunt, and its wary moments when Elsie learns the stories of Jack Frost and the ghostly and terrifying Black Shuck that haunts the coastline and countryside of East Anglia.
Includes some authentic World War 2 recipes


Monday, 3/9/20

miriam hurdle

The Showers of Blessings (Blogger/Author, Miriam Hurdle)


Tuesday, 3/10/20

1John Fioravanti

Fiora Books (Blogger/Author, John Fioravanti)


Wednesday, 3/11/20

D L Finn

Blogger/Author, D. L. Finn


Thursday, 3/12/20

NJ Banner

Watch Nonnie Write!


Friday, 3/13/20

 Ask The Good Mommy  


Saturday, 3/14/20

Wendy Scott1

Blogger/Author, Wendy Scott


Sunday, 3/15/20

Blog Tour Maven

Blog Tour Maven (Blogger/Writer, Jade)



Author, Robbie Cheadle

I am an author with six published children’s picture books in the Sir Chocolate books series for children aged 2 to 9 years old (co-authored with my son, Michael Cheadle), one published middle grade book in the Silly Willy series and one published preteen/young adult fictionalised biography about my mother’s life as a young girl growing up in an English town in Suffolk during World War II called While the Bombs Fell (co-authored with my mother, Elsie Hancy Eaton). All of my children’s book are written under Robbie Cheadle.

I also have a book of poetry called Open a new door, with fellow South African poet, Kim Blades.

I have recently branched into adult and young adult horror and supernatural writing and, in order to clearly differential my children’s books from my adult writing, I plan to publish these books under Roberta Eaton Cheadle. My first supernatural book published in that name, Through the Nethergate, is now available.

You can connect with Robbie via…





Thank you for supporting this author!  We ask that you follow along with each leg of her tour by returning each day to visit the blog of each of our host bloggers.  

If you’d like to take your own book on a virtual tour and have it promoted in similar fashion, please click HERE.

Thank you once again, and do leave Robbie a comment below!

13 thoughts on “Welcome to the “WHILE THE BOMBS FELL” Blog Tour! @bakeandwrite #RRBC

  1. Robbie, I need to read this book now! I was interested in your inclusion of John Roebling vis-a-vis tetanus. I once worked in the public relations office at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and did a major profile on him for the alumni magazine in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Brooklyn Bridge. He also suffered from “the bends,” which divers get if they come up too fast from diving in deep water. His wife took instructions from him over to the site while he was still alive.

    But that’s not why I plan to buy your book. All of the pieces you’ve prepared for the tour are so fascinating. I’ve been watching a PBS story on World War II, and this fits right in. Thank you so much.


    1. I don’t know why this keeps posting as Kirby Dog. My name’s Wanda Fischer!


  2. This was a great blog tour! I enjoyed learning more about you and your book, Robbie! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Yvette. I appreciate all your comment and support.


  3. Hi, Robbie, good to know you. I wish you a successful tour.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your support for my tour.


  4. Robbie, I look forward to reading your new novel, When the Bombs Fell. I have three books on WWII and I hope that humans are human enough to not ever let that happen again. I am currently reading Through the Nethergate and wow..it is so good.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Karen, thank you for visiting me here. I am delighted that you are enjoying Through the Nethergate. I hope all is well with you.


      1. Robbie, I loved the story, and the great historical knowledge that you incorporated into the story, and I did a review of Through the Nethergate and it is here on my Once Upon a Time….blog. I hope you like it and I gave your novel a 5 star rating. The work and study you did for this novel is amazing 🙂


      2. Robbie, I thought your book was great and I especially loved all the history that was relevant to the story. I wrote of review and it is on Amazon. 5 stars! 🙂


  5. Good luck to Robbie on her blog tour. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Thank you, 4WillsPublishing team for this lovely page and for organising my book tour.


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